Collectable Point Blankets for Sale:

Listings here are current as of May 1, 2020. Please check back or inquire for additional listings.

Interested buyers should contact with item #, and address (zip or postal code), so shipping cost etc. can be determined.
Click on photos for more details and photos. Prices are $US
#127V, 1925c HBC White 3.5 pt. $200.
#174V, 1941-53 HBC Cranberry 4 pt. $150
#112V, 1934-39 HBC Coraline 4 pt. $220.
#184V, 1934-39 HBC Brown 3.5 pt. $210.


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#228V, Highland Heather 3.5 pt. c.1929 $370
#225V, Blue 3.5 pt. $285.

#240V, Scarlet. patchwork. Points from up to 12 blankets $_

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#233V, 1934-39 HBC Multi 3 pt. SOLD
#194V, late 1920s HBC Multi 3.5 pt. x 2 (unseparatedpair) SOLD
#143V, mid 1930s HBC Multi 4 pt. x 2 (unseparated pair) SOLD

#212V, mid 1930s HBC Camel 3 pt. SOLD

#182V, mid 1920s HBC White 3 pt. $SOLD
#101V, late 1920s HBC Grey 3.5 pt. SOLD
#191V-192V, 1915-1920 HBC Green, 3.5 pt. matched pair SOLD
#140V, 1915-early 20s HBC White 3.5 pt.SOLD
#234V, late 1920s HBC Scarlet 3.5 pt. SOLD
#167V, mid 1920s HBC White 3.5 pt.. SOLD
#125-126V, 1941-55 HBC Multi, 4pt. matched pair. SOLD
#141V,1934-39 HBC Green 4 pt. $SOLD
#165V, late 1920s,
HBC Multi 4 pt SOLD
#146V, 1953 HBC Coronation. 4pt. SOLD